Guidewire is one of the global leaders in providing software solutions for the insurance industry (especially concerning core systems for P&C insurance carriers).
Starke Partnerschaften für Ihren Erfolg
Sollers Consulting arbeitet mit mehr als 15 sorgfältig ausgewählten internationalen Partnern zusammen, um unseren Kunden den höchsten Wert für ihr Geschäft zu bieten. Wir haben starke Partnerschaften mit führenden Anbietern von Kernsystemen wie Guidewire Software, Insicon oder Fadata aufgebaut. Auf dem Gebiet des Risikomanagements arbeiten wir eng mit Moody's Analytics zusammen. Unter unseren Technologiepartnern finden Sie Alfresco, Oracle, AWS und Microsoft.
Guidewire is one of the global leaders in providing software solutions for the insurance industry (especially concerning core systems for P&C insurance carriers).
Moody’s Analytics provides financial intelligence and analytical tools to decision makers in order to make efficient decisions.
One of the most recognizable global CRM platforms supporting also insurance carriers in a multidimensional way (sales, claims, marketing, payments etc.).
Earnix is a software company that provides advanced analytics and pricing optimization solutions for the banking and insurance industries.
Send is an insurtech software company that provides a modern platform for insurers especially in terms of underwriting.
Camunda is an open-source software company that provides a platform for workflow especially regarding process automation.
Fadata is a software company that specializes in providing insurance-focused software solutions especially in policy administration.
WTW provides data-driven & insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk and capital.
Insicon offers the complex, all-in-one Policy Administration System( i2i ) supporting digital and automated transformations of the insurance process.
Hyland provides content and process automation solutions especially in P&C, life and annuity, and reinsurance.
Hyperexponential are a market-leading insurtech provider and creators of hx Renew – an intelligent pricing platform that helps re/insurers streamline their underwriting workflow and make optimal, data-driven pricing decisions.
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