Make your testing process simpler


Make your testing process simpler

Business Automation Test Suite


addresses common challenges that our Clients are facing.
It allows not only for direct savings on manual testing but is also an investment to build upon in the future.

Testing is important

Testing gives us confidence in our products, reduces complexity and cost of development and maintenance; the same goes for user interface testing.BATS(Business Automation Test Suite) allows people with no knowledge of programming to automate UI testing. 

The tool checks:

  • Correctness
  • Completeness
  • Quality

of the developed software and save 68% of time spent on fixing issues.

Source: World Quality Report 2017



Customer satisfaction

Risk Reduction



BATS is business-friendly
  • Easily configure and adapt to your product 
  • Write configuration in a natural language 
  • Little to no support from developers needed 
  • You can use scripts as project documentation 

Our experience is on your side

BATS is developed by Sollers Consulting. It combines our vast experience gathered through multiple IT systems implementation and digitalisation for insurance industry with market-proven technologies. This allows us to effectively help our clients in reasonable time and save their development budget at any stage of the project.

BATS can work on almost any front-end software in the browser. Our main focus is on Guidewire, TIA and SINSIS


Business knowledge of insurance processes

Software development and testing knowledge
Powerful testing frameworks and best practices - Selenium, JBehave, Gherkin
Useful at every stage of your project
  • BATS can be a part of Behaviour-Driven Development, Regression Tests, User Acceptance Testing, Data-Driven Tests 
  • Usable at every stage of the project implementation and maintenance 
  • Can be used for creating complex End-2-End Testing Scenarios 

Find out more about




What we love about our tool 

Write tests and descriptions in one language

BATS uses Gherkin language. It is easy to read and write for people not familiar with programming languages or even with English. Write configuration using your native language. 

Save time by creating reusable, complex elements, ready to be employed in various test scenarios 

It’s all inside

BATS includeshundreds of ready to use steps, test scenarios and components 

When on Tab bar I click ‘Desktop’
And I click link ‘My Activities’
on Slidebar
When I set drop

Single steps

User creates test scenarios from the beginning. Approximately 300 reusable steps are ready-to-use as a basis of every possible scenario in GW.

Composite steps are reusable parts of GW processes that consist of a number of single steps. They were created to speed up the test scenario creation.

Composite steps

To make tests creation easier and user-friendly BATS offers more than 200 reusable composites. Several composites can be a ready test scenario.

Ready OOTB scenarios

As a BATS user you can choose from over 150 ready and tested scenarios which were created for the Guidewire suite.


Feature-rich testing reports

BATS allows you to have readable and aesthetically pleasing reports without much inconvenience.

supports multiple Guidewire versions, centers & browsers, as well as other platforms like INSIS

Once created, our tests work well with different Guidewire Centers and can be run on their latest

versions and most popular browsers in various configurations.   

Importing external .csv and .xlsx files​

Populate steps with prepared data 


Run tests in several browser windows simultaneously and shorten the tests execution time.  


Translate steps to and from different languages. 

If you are interested in our solution, contact us to get more information.

Technology & Market Insights

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Contact Us

pawel jozwiak competence owner
Paweł Jóźwiak
Head of Quality Assurance
kacper ziatkowski contact photo
Kacper Ziatkowski
Quality Assurance Product Manager